Catch us at the iconic 54 Below Theatre, July 2024


    54 Below is a famous cabaret performance venue and has become a popular destination for both established and up-and-coming artists in the entertainment industry.


    07.18 9:30PM

    See Boy on Billboard in its New York debut, as we showcase our musical at the iconic 54 Below Theatre on Broadway

    254 W 54TH ST. CELLAR, NYC 10019

  • There is music in the Sky!

    Exclusive merchandise in on sale RIGHT NOW in support of our New York debut. Support Boy on Billboard today!

Boy on Billboard is changing the way we talk about Mental Health

The writing, the music and the actors drew me in to a reality I had never experienced in my own life. Watching the play gave me a chilling and gut wrenching up close look at the effects of mental illness and the emotional toll it took on one family. You leave there with a sense of “wanting to do more” to help fight this daunting illness within the world we live in. My hope is that this delicate yet powerful message takes this country by storm! 

- Christina Perron, Life Recovery Ministry Associate  (Plano, Tx)


The Story…

On October 1st, 2010 James Apple, died of accidental suicide due to an undiagnosed mental illness, the day after his 24th birthday. Six months prior he had climbed to the top of a billboard in downtown Fort Worth. For seven hours he paced back and forth, sat and stood, threatened to jump and conducted an orchestra he saw in his mind. The family stood in a trailer watching while the police and rescue team tried to coax him down.

Written by Composer Lisa Apple and Director Meg Parker Wilson, Boy on Billboard aims to provide hope, healing, and a call to action. Lisa and Meg have more than 35 years of combined performance and creative writing experience and bring to the stage a gripping, true story about James Apple and troubles that went unseen.


Meg Parker Wilson was raised in Brazil, South America and graduated from Southwest Baptist University with her Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communications and Theatre. She also studied at the Los Angeles Film Studies Center and interned for 20th Century Fox in their Features Casting department. She has been on stage and in film both as an actor and director. After moving to Dallas she began her work writing and directing for Genesis Children’s Theatre and producing film content as a Board member for Light in Action. She loves costume design and infusing technology in stage storytelling. Film credits: Seasons of Grey, A Modern Day Joseph Story (Kate Welling) (Echolight Films) and Aliens in the Attic (Brook) (20th Century Fox). Meg has been writing, acting and directing for fifteen years.



Lisa Apple is a teacher, songwriter and creator with a passion for musical theatre. She has performed in multiple Dallas cover bands, led the Dallas chapter of Chick Singer Night, performed at SXSW in Austin and written and recorded two full-length albums. Lisa holds a BA in Music Business & Management from Belmont University and is a member of BMI. She’s studied voice both classically and commercially and has been composing for 20 years. She currently teaches music at Prestonwood Christian Academy and lives in Plano, Texas.